Wednesday, August 4, 2010


So today I decided to finally repaint my dresser. I've had this dresser since I was 9. I so lovingly put pastel teddy bear stickers on it to class it up! And it needed a face lift for sure. Since I move in just 5 DAYS, I thought it might be fun to make it more modern. I've been wanting to do this for a while but lacked major motivation. So here is my attempt at being crafty!
I thought it would be cute to try and stencil an owl on there. Didn't quite work so I will have to find another way but it was fun trying.

The dressers are white with light pink handles. First I wiped them down and removed the teddy bear stickers with Goo gone, which is AMAZING! Then sanded them down really lightly. Wiped them down again and painted the fronts black and the handles HOT PINK! Might as well have a little fun! I used spray paint that we had in the shed so this cost me nothing which makes me even happier!!!
When it's all dry I will be posting pictures so you can see how not crafty I am! It was a fun project and it made me feel handy! I'm so excited to see the finished product! I really do hope it turns out well.
I am not an artsy or crafty person by any means but I'm always inspired by DIY projects. I know what I can and can't do when it comes to projects so I try and venture out every once in a while and try something I wouldn't normally do. Mostly, I stick to what I know are in my capabilities. Who knows what I might see and do next!
Loves& BLessings,

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Back to the 50's car show...

So tonight in the lovely downtown of Grants Pass we had our annual 50's car show. Basically the town shuts down on 6th and 7th street, our two main streets, and they just make circles for hours. It's really fun and the whole town pretty much shows up! It was my first year going and I loved it! The Bel-Air is my new dream car and I am in love! I only took a few pictures of the family. It was so fun! I love living in a small town where things like this are such big deals.
My cousin Christian and my nephew Austin.
My beautiful sister!!!!! We took some realy funny pictures on my phone. I will post soon. Oh and my tattoo is beautiful! But it is gnarly right now because of how much color he had to do in a few spots so when it heals and doesn't look quite like leprosy then I will post pics.
Loves& Blessings,

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Getting a tattoo tomarrow with Wilma! Yay! My first color which is scary but I'm really excited because Jeremy Elledge at 3 Sevens Tattoo is an amazing artist!!! So wish me luck and I will post some pictures tomorrow!!!
Loves& Blessings,

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Lessons I'm learning...

Since I've turned 25 I've decided to finally become the person I want to be. Sounds crazy and a little strange huh? However, I'm totes magotes doing it! I want to be me 100% no matter what! Even if people don't like it or agree with it. I don't want to live my life based on other's opinions of me.
I'm sick of feeling like I need to apologize for the choices I've made or the ones I'm making now! For example...I have tattoos and I love them! For me it is a way to express myself and I think they are beautiful! But I always feel like I should not like them because some person chooses to make a comment like, "Why did you do that to yourself?" or "You know that doesn't come off right?" Really? It doesn't!? I'm in totes shock! Duh I know that!!! It never fails anytime a rude comment like that is made about me or even to me, I allow it to have an affect on me! Why? Why should I care what anyone thinks of me? It's so rediculous! Right?!!
I'm proud of who I am and the choices I make! If getting a tattoo is the "worst" thing I can do then life is pretty gosh darn good. I love who I am and I'm so over apologizing for being who God created me to be!
Yeah, I think differently then some people and I dress boldly! But that's me being true to myself! True to who God created me to be! I know that He has given me the attitude and personality I have because there are people that I can reach! Just like God created my Besties who think and dress differently from me and it's so they can reach people! Why do we judge people for not being like us instead of celebrating all the wonderful and beautiful differences we have!? Why? Why?
Doesn't it all seem stupid and a waste of time?! I'd rather enjoy my life and laugh! I want to surround myself with people I love and who love me. To laugh more than I already do! To love people and tell them so! I only have one shot at this life and I want to live it to the fullest! Not how others think I should live, but how God has asked me to live and how He wants me to!
So YAY life! YAY family and friends! And most important YAY God who loves me unconditionally and delights in me and who I cannot imagine my life without!!!!!
Loves& Blessings,

Monday, July 26, 2010

Boys Like Girls & The Swell Season...

I'm not a huge concert goer but I do enjoy a good show now and then. In the past week I've gone to 2 shows! I went with my friend Rachel and her sister and her sister's bestie to Boys Like Girls. They were pretty good! I didn't know any of their songs but it was fun people watching and seeing the same outfit on every girl there! haha! Loved it!!!

The lead singer was a cutie and I'm goo when it comes to guys with tattoos!
Rachel and I were pretty excited to be there!!!
I also went to The Swell Season at Britt with my friend Jolie! It was the bestest birthday gift ever!!! They are an amazing band and if you ever get the chance to see them do! I also got to meet Chelsea of, a blog I LOVE and that was so exciting for me seeing as I live in GP and it's not often that I meet the people of the few blogs I do read!!!
I recently saw Court Yard Hounds too and they were really good! I think the next concert I really want to see is Lady Gaga just for the pure insanity that she is, you know it would be an entertaining show!
What concert do you really want to see?
Loves& Blessings,

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Two of my favorite people...

My older sister April is in town for the weekend and I am so excited!!! I miss her so much! It's been a non-stop laughfest since she came and I am so thankful that she's here!
My precious nephew Austin, my brothers son, is with us for 2 weeks!!! He's 4 now and he just keeps getting bigger and bigger and he is such a ham! At dinner tonight he looked at my sister and said, "Your creeping me out!" We died laughing! I really do wonder how I will ever love my own children because he is the most wonderful, special and cutest kid on planet earth...excuse the gushing! I love him so much and am proud to share a birthday with the booger!

Last night my friend Rachel and I went to a concert, which I will post in the next few days!Tomarrow Willma and I will be floating down the river...yet again! So much fun and it's FREE!
I love free fun! This summer has been one of the best! It only gets better!!! Thursday WIllma and I go in for some tattoos! I'm so excited and nervous as it will be my first color tattoo. Oh and pleanty of pictures will be up for that one!!!

Loves& Blessings,

Friday, July 23, 2010

Fun Fact Friday...

Fun Facts about me...
1. I love to read and collect books. It is my dream to have a room filled with books someday! I love old book because they have a distinct smell and they make me feel like I am apart of a different time.
2. I paint my nails about every week. It makes me feel pretty and girly!

3. I LOVE MY BEDROOM! I swear I spend more time in my room than anywhere else in the house. I'm such a homebody!
I hope to have Fun Fact Friday be about anyone and everything! Not just me!!! Haha!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

My hair...

has been Blue...
Blonde with blue...
Bleach Blonde...
and Reddish/Brown.
In just 20 days I will be moving to Independence, Oregon! I am sooo excited I could burst open and confetti would cover the streets of this small town! In processing the fact that I have only 20 days I've realized I have the fun task of determining who I want to be! Which means I can do whatever I want to my hair and no one will know that it hasn't been that way for years! Unless they look at my Facebook...but anywho! Not only hair but who I want people to see me as! I can be a new person! The freedom in letting go of the past and moving on to a new and shiny and bright future is scary yet so exciting! I'm still processing what this will look like and what things I might want to change! However I will always be 100% myself because, well, I don't know how not to be! So cheers to new things and fun changes!!!
NOW which hair color do I want?
Have you ever moved and decided to change something about you or your lifestyle?

Monday, June 28, 2010

Being 25...

Has been awesome! I was nervous at first but now it doesn't seem so weird anymore. For my 25th Birthday I had a Peter Pan theme party, dyed my hair PINK and got my Monroe pierced. Then dyed my hair back to normal and went on a cruise to the Caribbean! SO MUCH FUN! Plus Wilms and I made lots of friends!

Today I unpacked all my clothes and fun little things that I bought and did massive ammounts of laundry and cleaned out 7 bags worth of clothes and shoes! It was hard work but now they all live at the Gospel Rescue Mission and it's for a good cause! I washed my car Rosemary and now she is all sparkly and bug free! It's been a busy day but I feel very productive! It was such a beautiful day outside and opening up the shades and having all the pretty light come into the room today was so peaceful! I sound like a crazy but it was something simple that made my day! I still have lots to do today so now off to do them!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Life as I know it is changing...

In 6 days I turn 25! Which may not seem like a big deal but it is! I'm not gonna lie I'm freaking out a lil bit. So much in my life is changing as I'm getting older it's hard to grasp and take it all in. At the end of July I move to Independence, Oregon, just outside Salem, and for the first time I will be truly on my own. I am so excited but at the same time terrified that it's going to be awful! I know it's where the Lord is calling me and I feel at peace about it.
However, I had to do some budgeting and the reality of how much it costs to move, live, eat and exist is freaking expensive! Oh man! Sometimes I think, "What have you gotten yourself into Missy?" But then I look at the amazing opportunity to spread my wings and I start smiling and planning and looking forward to the new things I will have the blessing of experiencing. I can't wait to move because of the personal growth that will happen in my life and that excites me to no end. To think of all the new people I'm going to meet and all that is in store for me in this new chapter of life...WOWIE ZOWIE! I alreds have a job at this super cute coffee shop/gelato place and today found out there is an opening at the apartment complex we want! Yay! But I'm not looking forward to all the fun things that getting an apartment entails.
Sorry for the randomness, but I had to tell someone! Haha!
Today I was reflecting about all the amazing opportunities I've had and the FANTASTIC people I've had the honor of knowing for the past three years in Grants Pass and I was so overwhelmed with love, thankfulness and joy! I'm so thankful for my family and my friends and I can't imagine my life without any of them!

When looking back on my life I don't want it to be wasted and spend it wishing it was something it's not! I want to enjoy every moment. To laugh more, hug more, love more and do things that make life full! Things with purpose and meaning. So here is to 25 more years!!!
Loves& Blessings,

Monday, May 17, 2010

Life as of late...

This week is Spirit Week at school and today was Superhero day. I decided it would be fun to dress up! So I was Clark Kent. These kids had no idea who I was! What is wrong with our youth today? Geez...they didn't know Superman. I don't think the shirt was a dead giveaway either! Haha! So much has happened that I'm not going to even try to remember but here are the highlight with some pics for your entertainment.
Tali-T's brother Trevor had a show. So we went and we were the bouncers/ticket takers/door peeps. It was so fun! My cousin is in Trev's band so it was fun to support the fam!

I roadtripped it up to Salem for the weekend to go house/apartment hunting with the Bestie Shvitz. We found some places we liked but haven't signed any dotted lines. Apartment shopping was just so exhausting! So we shopped to cure the sleepyness! I got some cute stuff...that I probs shouldn't have but whoops too late nah! We watched Away We Go! I freaking love that movie. If you haven't seen it please go rent it! Life changing!!! I had a job interview and got the job!!! Yay! It's a coffee-gelato place called Napoleons. If you go downtown Salem on Liberty it's there at the Reed Opera house. So cute and bomb gelato...I didn't taste the coffee so I'm not sure but everything is Italian and handmade by an Italian woman that works there. I'm so excited for this job! I start in July...hopefully depends on the housing situation.

I've had lots of Bestie Tali time since I move in July and she leaves for France for a year in August. It's exciting these new adventures we are going on, but so weird! It makes me sad, but at the same time I'm soooooo proud of my Tal for doing this! She's going to be a nanny and she's going to do so well. She was totes born to work with kids. Tal's the only person I know who loves her job! Like LOVES her job! We have been having Bestie sleepovers and have watched some really LAME movies but the laughter has been so wonderful! I can't believe I'll live a whole year without my Tali and that laughter. Golly geez I'm so cheesy!

Here in GP we have a coffee place called Dutch Bros. that my Uncle Dane and his brother Travis started. He passed away last October of ALS and so now Dutch Bros. does fundraisers for ALS research and such. They made these awesome bracelets that say Drink One for Dane. In honor of him and to support the cause pretty much everyone in town wore them and that day all the money for drinks went to MDA. It was really amazing!
All in all life has been pretty good. Doing a lot of cleaning and getting rid of crap! But it's been so nice realizing I can live without all this stuff that I don't actually need. Shocking!
Loves& Blessings,

Thursday, April 29, 2010

My Bestie Shvitz...

I mean how are we still single with pictures like these?
To Shvitz in honor of her coming home to GP this weekend!
This is my Bestie Aly! She is smart, beautiful and funny!
Things the BESTIE likes: family, bunko, reality tv, reading, sports, math, Twilight, One Tree Hill, Missions trips, Glee, roadtrips, Jesus, Apples to Apples, a reason to get dolled up, food, celebrity gossip and laughing.
We laugh all the time. We met almost 2 years ago and it was an instant friendship. So crazy to me how that works! I love her so much and am so proud of her. She is going to school to be a junior high Math teacher...God bless her! This summer I am moving up to the Salem area where we will be roomies! I'm so excited!!!

This was a Rockband party we were Foxy Roxy and Hottie with a Body!

Did I mention she is the one who got me hooked on Twilight?! It is her I blame for my love/lust relationship with a teenage vampire.
Aly you are one of the best people I know and I am so happy that we met and that we get to do life together. I know we talk all the time about how crazy it is that we are so much alike and understand eachother so well, but I still can't wrap my mind around it! I love you so much!
All the memories we've made and will continue to make I will treasure forevs!
Totes Loves Bestie!!!!
Loves& Blessings,

Sunday, April 25, 2010


Here's a little insight into me...

1. When do you feel happiest?
When I've had some good Jesus time. Also anytime I'm with my nephew...instant happiness.

2. How do you take care of yourself?
I read my Bible, workout with my Madre, laugh and attempt healthy food.

3. Are you internally (by yourself) or externally (by others) motivated?
A little bit of both. If I want something bad enough I'll make it happen.

4. What do you do for fun?
Laugh, read, watch movies, game nights and drive around town listening to good jams with the top down.

5. What intimidates you?
Uh...not much.

6. What is something you're proud of?
How far I've come. To think of where I was 5 years ago and who I am today! Wow! What a work the Lord has done. I'm proud to say I love my family and I love spending time with them.

7. Finish this sentence. I never _____________
...say never because I always end up doing it!

8. Favorite vacation spot.
Hawaii was awesome but I love Cabo San Lucas!!!

9. Today is a (rate from 1 - 10)
9! It was a really good day!

10. Finish this sentence. If you knew me really well you'd know _____________
...that my name was almost Cinnamon and I hate hearing people eat!!!!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Days are starting to blur...

Trevor had his little show at a local coffee shop and did so well! Talia and I of course sang harmony as we sat at the front table watching and cheering. Haha! We had dinner at Blondie's and dessert at G Street Bar and Grill. As we enjoyed our dessert we also got to enjoy the dancing of some older women who were putting out the vibe. If you know what I mean? It was SOOOO funny. I was dying laughing. On stage was the greatest mullet of all time! It was a seriously awesome sight!!! Gotta love GP!
Bestie Tali-T!
My Bestie is just so stinking cute!

My outfit yesterday.
Today I got to do 3 of my small group girlies hair. Gabrielle was very vintage inspired. Ashley was very bird's nest inspired and Lauren was very Dancing with the Stars. It was fun! I'll have pictures up later. It makes me excited that soon I will be doing that for a living!!! This summer I'm moving to Salem, OR to go to Beauty School and I can't wait! I've been wanting to do hair for such a long time and now it's finally happening. Yay for me! Tonight after church, Tali, some friends and I are going to hang out. Not really sure what we are doing but it should be entertaining. Have a wonderful Saturday!!! Enjoy the sun!
Loves& Blessings,

Friday, April 23, 2010

Thank goodness it's Friday...

This morning I drank my delicious Dutch Bros. Iced Kicker on my way to work and rocked out to Justin Timberlake's Future Sex Love Sounds. A cd that I forget how much I love until I play it.
It was a typical school day. Kids were crazy and wound up because it's their last day before the weekend. Found out I don't have to work Monday but I get the joy of taking some test this next week for the school district! So looking forward to that...NOT! But hey, maybs I'll leave a little smarter or without a job who can say? Tonight Talia and I are going to have Bestie dinner somewhere and then go see my friend Trevor, her brother, play at a coffeeshop. It's always fun to scream and yell and make him feel awkward! Haha! It should be a good night and a fun show.
Any plans for your weekend?

Thursday, April 22, 2010

What's in my purse...

I am a purse addict. I have so many and I'm always on the look out for more. This purse I got at Ross forevs ago and it's one of my top 5! It's big and holds tons of stuff because I always carry more than I should with me at all times. I don't understand women who have small purses or worst of all NO purse! How does one function?
So this is what I carry around with me all day everyday.
My lil' blue and pink bag that stores all sorts of lady products, not pictured, and these goodies!
-Sun Breeze (cures headaches, nausea and stuffy noses!)
-Burts Bees chapstick
-3 pink lipgloss/lipstick
-Nail clippers
-Nail file
-Germ X
-Tidy Towel
-Cell Phone!
-Checkbook/receipt holder
-Day Planner
-A book!!! I always have one with me!
-Camera (not pictured...wonder why?)

Today was pretty boring! I did howevs enjoy a 3 Musketeers bar and did some yoga! I'm also in the process of reorganizing all my photo albums. Yes a large task that I'm not quite sure I really thought through but I'm glad I'm doing it. I have tons of pictures that are so lame I wonder why I kept them. I got a lot done last night and am hoping to finish up tonight. I love cleaning and reorganizing! It's fun and relaxing to me. I'm glad tomarrow is Friday! I have so much to do this weekend! I hope there's enough time for all my projects! One major project is moving my stuff out of my old place! I have WAY tooooooo much stuff. Guess now is the time to get rid of it! Haha! We shall see. Have a pleasant and delightful Thursday!

Loves& Blessings,

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Weekend...

This past weekend was so much fun! I'm glad I got to have some fun with friends and shop like a mad woman! Saturday Talia, our dear friends Jon & Holly and their daughter Rachel and I went out and about in Medford! First we dropped off Jon so the ladies could go have fun! We went to Goodwill where Talia bought more shorts than any one person needs! I of course in my nerdyness got books and an Owl vase! I love my Owl vase very much! Then we picked Jon up again and headed for the mall. Such a bad idea in hindsight, well for my checking account, but such a good idea for my wardrobe. Let me just say some serious damage was done! We all split up once we got there and I headed for Icing where I got 2 fabulous headpieces. One being the picture above! Hehe! Then on to Hot Topic to buy some new nose rings. But my favorite was Motherhood Maturnity! Jackpot!!! I got 2 sweaters, 2 shirts and a dress! I love that store because I have huge boobs and nothing ever fits over these suckers! But pregnant mom clothes do fit over the ladies! After our shoppingfest we headed back to GP where Tal and I met up with our friend Megan for sushi. I was the only one who had sushi but it was fun having girl time! After dinner we headed to a play that a few of our small group girls were in. It had a 40's theme and I loved all the music! I always tell people I was born in the wrong era! I would have loved to live back then with all the music and fashion! Ahh! Anywhoo...after the play I headed home and to bed!
Sunday I had small group time with my wonderful small group girlies! I had the great opportunity to speak at Midway our junior high service. I spoke on surrender and sacrifice. It was pretty good if I do say so myself. Since Jon and Holls were leaving later that day we met up at Taco Bell and talked and hung out! Then I had worship practice for Immerse our college aged service. Which rocked! I'm not gonna lie we kicked it! I just love Sundays! As busy as they are I do love having a whole day dedicated to relationships that center on Christ! It's refreshing and it always makes me excited for the next Sunday! It was a good weekend!
Jon & Holls!

Talia, Me and Megan at the play!

On Friday my students made me try this! Still really not sure what to think!

Loves& Blessings,