Monday, June 28, 2010

Being 25...

Has been awesome! I was nervous at first but now it doesn't seem so weird anymore. For my 25th Birthday I had a Peter Pan theme party, dyed my hair PINK and got my Monroe pierced. Then dyed my hair back to normal and went on a cruise to the Caribbean! SO MUCH FUN! Plus Wilms and I made lots of friends!

Today I unpacked all my clothes and fun little things that I bought and did massive ammounts of laundry and cleaned out 7 bags worth of clothes and shoes! It was hard work but now they all live at the Gospel Rescue Mission and it's for a good cause! I washed my car Rosemary and now she is all sparkly and bug free! It's been a busy day but I feel very productive! It was such a beautiful day outside and opening up the shades and having all the pretty light come into the room today was so peaceful! I sound like a crazy but it was something simple that made my day! I still have lots to do today so now off to do them!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Life as I know it is changing...

In 6 days I turn 25! Which may not seem like a big deal but it is! I'm not gonna lie I'm freaking out a lil bit. So much in my life is changing as I'm getting older it's hard to grasp and take it all in. At the end of July I move to Independence, Oregon, just outside Salem, and for the first time I will be truly on my own. I am so excited but at the same time terrified that it's going to be awful! I know it's where the Lord is calling me and I feel at peace about it.
However, I had to do some budgeting and the reality of how much it costs to move, live, eat and exist is freaking expensive! Oh man! Sometimes I think, "What have you gotten yourself into Missy?" But then I look at the amazing opportunity to spread my wings and I start smiling and planning and looking forward to the new things I will have the blessing of experiencing. I can't wait to move because of the personal growth that will happen in my life and that excites me to no end. To think of all the new people I'm going to meet and all that is in store for me in this new chapter of life...WOWIE ZOWIE! I alreds have a job at this super cute coffee shop/gelato place and today found out there is an opening at the apartment complex we want! Yay! But I'm not looking forward to all the fun things that getting an apartment entails.
Sorry for the randomness, but I had to tell someone! Haha!
Today I was reflecting about all the amazing opportunities I've had and the FANTASTIC people I've had the honor of knowing for the past three years in Grants Pass and I was so overwhelmed with love, thankfulness and joy! I'm so thankful for my family and my friends and I can't imagine my life without any of them!

When looking back on my life I don't want it to be wasted and spend it wishing it was something it's not! I want to enjoy every moment. To laugh more, hug more, love more and do things that make life full! Things with purpose and meaning. So here is to 25 more years!!!
Loves& Blessings,